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La Legende Magazine

We would like to thank you for your participation especially alumni, graduates and Malaysian students in France. Your contribution makes it possible for us to fill these magazines content. We hope that all of you readers will enjoy this magazine and we’d appreciate any feedback from you !

“Firstly, I would like to thank my great team for having done such a great job. Nevertheless, the readers that I cherish the most, this small gift of winter is brought to you from the warmest heart of your fellow Malaysians in France. Have a great read ahead!”

– Franco Morris, Director of Editorial 2018/19 –

“Our first seasonal magazine was the autumn edition. It was a great pleasure working on that one. Now, we present to you the second seasonal magazine bringing what 澳门六合站高手论坛 has been up to this summer and what we have in store for you during the cold seasons. We would like to express our gratitude to those who have supported us and contributed to this magazine. Wishing you a great read ahead, enjoy !”

– Franco Morris, Director of Editorial 2018/19 –

“The idea of creating this magazine, besides leaving you with sweet memories, is to give you an idea on how your life would change. We have managed to get in contact with a bunch of senior graduates, who are all striving in respective fields. We’ve sat down for interviews grilling them with questions. As such, we hope that you would give it a good read as there are useful information which can lead you to a different path than imagined.”

– Jun Tat, Director of Editorial 2017/18 –

“Short and sweet. That’s the change we’re taking in creating the first ever seasonal 澳门六合站高手论坛 magazine. From our deepest heart, we’d like to thank all the support we have been receiving since start. And to our fellow readers, we hope you have a great time discovering this magazine. Cheers!!!”

– Jun Tat, Director of Editorial 2017/18 –

“To our readers, in this issue we bring you stories of students from different background and experience for you to be inspired and keep you motivated through your journey ahead. We hope you enjoy this second issue and do let us know if there are any topics you’d like to see covered in the future.”

– Intan J, Director of Editorial 2016/17 –

“Saya memohon maaf atas segala kekurangan yang saudara-saudari temui dalam majalah ini. Sesungguhnya ini ialah kali pertama kami hasilkan majalah, tanpa rujukan dari yang sebelumnya untuk kami perbaiki. Insha Allah saya berharap ahli biro Editorial dan Multimedia yang akan datang mampu menaiktarafkan Majalah La L茅gende untuk tahun-tahun akan datang dengan input yang lebih gempak dan menarik.”

– Nuryn SI, Director of Editorial 2015/16 –